Rosalind Russell-搜索结果

  • 艺人新宠 No Time for Comedy

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情

    导演:William Keighley   编剧:塞缪尔·N·贝尔曼, 朱利叶斯·J·爱泼斯坦

    主演:James Stewart, Rosalind Russell

  • 相遇在孟买 They Met in Bombay

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 犯罪, 冒险

    导演:克拉伦斯·布朗   编剧:约翰·H·卡夫卡, 埃德温·贾斯特斯·迈耶

    主演:Clark Gable, Rosalind Russell, Peter Lorre

  • 就地反击 The Feminine Touch


    导演:W.S.范戴克   编剧:埃德蒙·L·哈特曼, 乔治·奥本海默, 奥格登·纳什

    主演:Rosalind Russell, Don Ameche, Kay Francis

  • 人去楼空 Craig's Wife


    导演:Dorothy Arzner   编剧:George Kelly, 小玛丽·C·麦考尔

    主演:Rosalind Russell, John Boles, Billie Burke

      In Rye, New York, wealthy Walter Craig loves his wife Harriet--and doesn't know that she married him solely for independence, believing that romantic love only complicates marriage. She focuses all of her energies on ensuring that their home is maintained to her standards, where everything has its proper place--and everyone has theirs, which leads to the household domestics, wh...

  • 天使的烦恼 The Trouble with Angels

    类型:喜剧, 家庭

    导演:艾达·卢皮诺   编剧:Jane Trahey, Blanche Hanalis

    主演:Rosalind Russell, Binnie Barnes, Camilla Sparv
